Spyderserve Web Development

Tag: web services

Keeping Consistent Branding

When developing your website, it’s important to keep consistent branding. When you visit a website, see a pamphlet, or drive by a store, the first thing you notice is the branding. This includes everything from the colors, logos, fonts, and more. If your website’s styling is different from other forms of media, it may be […]

Designing For All Devices: Crucial for User Experience, Your Business

Updated on 11/2/2023 In the U.S., over 90% of people have access to the internet. Many of those people also use a highly capable device that has no problem rendering complex websites. With so much computing power, many developers may forget to design websites that are accessible to a large range of users on different […]

AI-Generated Content and SEO

With the rapid development in artificial intelligence, it is safe to assume that many people will be using this technology to generate content in essays, assignments, and on websites. A few years ago, Google and other search engines chose to reward high-quality, reliable content in their ranking system. This means that the website will perform […]

Walk Around Lowndes Launch

Spyderserve is happy to announce the launch of walkaroundlowndes.com. Justin Coleman is dedicated to walking every foot, of every street, of every community, in Lowndes County. He is a resident here in Lowndes and while his walks started as a personal challenge, they have morphed into a sort of quest. Along his walks, he takes […]

Does Your Website Utilize Search Engine Optimization?

Updated 10/13/2023 Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of gaining site traffic. When users look for something on a search engine, there are many things that are done in order to rank website results. When developing and posting content on a website, keywords, metadata, backlinks, and interface design are all important factors in […]

Spyderserve  2225 Bemiss Road Suite D Valdosta, Georgia 31602 United States