Spyderserve Web Development

From billboards and advertisements on television to promotional flyers and handouts, marketing is an essential part of business and can be found all around us. Many think of marketing as a daunting task with little return, but technology can make it simple and if done properly, digital marketing can help businesses expand and reach their target audience. Digital marketing is also great because of the analytic data provided which can often tell us about customer demographics, return on investment, and much more.

Consider this scenario: running an ad with an average cost per click of $0.05 and conversion rate of 4% would mean that if 100 people clicked on your ad, you would spend $5 on ads. This would also mean that if 4 of those clicks were converted into a sale (and your average profit on a sale was $20), you would be ahead $76!

While this scenario highlights the use of ads for sales, many campaigns are run simply to generate site traffic and spread brand awareness. With digital marketing the possibilities are endless, and with the proper strategy results can be nearly guaranteed.

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Spyderserve  2225 Bemiss Road Suite D Valdosta, Georgia 31602 United States