Spyderserve Web Development

Website Evaluation


Importance of Continuous Website Evaluation

For a website to be a truly productive part of your marketing strategy, it needs to be evaluated and refined on a continuous basis.  When performing a website evaluation, several factors need to be considered including:

  • Current Web Standards
  • Search Engine Optimization Guidelines
  • Accessibility Practices
  • Usability Trends

Spyderserve Site Audit Website Evaluation Tool

test with A+Here at Spyderserve, we take our clients’ websites very seriously, but a manual website evaluation takes a lot of time and resources to perform. This will, in-turn, drive our customers cost up. So, to help us meet these requirements and still keep costs low for our customers, Spyderserve Web Development has developed a proprietary tool to aid in the continuous evaluation of our client’s websites. We call our tool, creatively, the Site Audit Tool.

The good news for you is that we have made portions of this tool freely available to you.  With this website evaluation tool you can scan your own website and gain some information on ways to improve your overall website quality.  Just place your webpage’s address (example http://www.spyderserve.com) in the field below to receive your complementary assessment. The tool will scan your web page and give you suggestions based on what is found.

Need help with your website? Start a conversation below…




    Spyderserve  2225 Bemiss Road Suite D Valdosta, Georgia 31602 United States