Spyderserve Web Development

_module->buildOptions($array, $value_field, $name_field, $add_zero, $data_fields)


Takes an array of data and produces an option array to be used in select, dropdown, searchSuggest inputs.


Name Required Added Description Type Values Default
$array Yes The multi-dimensional array that the data is being extracted from array
$value_field Yes The name of the field in each line of the array to use as the value for the option string
$name_field yes The name of the field in each line of the array to use as the name for the option string
$add_zero No If set to 1 then the first line will not have a value and will have a blank name binary 1, 0 0
$data_fields No 20180808.0 An array of field names contained in the original multi-dimensional array that will be added as data attributes to each option array


This function returns an array to be used in the input option variable.

Spyderserve  2225 Bemiss Road Suite D Valdosta, Georgia 31602 United States